Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Dark Side of the Rainbow"

This is a well-known trivia related to The Wizard of Oz (1939) but I bet there's still a score of many out there who has never heard of it. Let alone tried it for themselves. Dark Side of the Rainbow is the name used to refer to the act of listening Pink Floyd's masterpiece, "The Dark Side of the Moon" while watching the film. Supposedly, the visual of the film has a subtle synchronization with the music of the album providing some sort of a live soundtrack.

A couple of nights ago, for the first time, I tried it for myself. As noted in various sites in the Internet, I should begin playing the CD right after the Lion in the opening scene closes his mouth after his third roar. Well, as far as I'm concerned, though, I don't see what's all the fuss about with the synchronization. It probably because I've never seen the film before yesterday, or simply my timing isn't right.

As far as the film goes, for a film that released in 1939, The Wizard of Oz was rich and manages to look expensive. I've always been a sucker for a musical film anyway and I should say that The Wizard of Oz is notoriously famous for its "Over the Rainbow" song. So, yeah, despite the flawed overall visual quality, I could enjoy The Wizard of Oz and it would be one of the first film my daughter (or son, whichever came first :D) would see along with Sound of Music. No TV for my kids!

Anyway, here's a video of one of the scene from the film that supposedly synchronized with my favorite track from the album.

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