Monday, June 25, 2007


If you tune in to the news yesterday and today, you're most likely to read or see that there's an underground electric wire that exploded yesterday around 12:40 pm in Setiabudi area, Jakarta. This accident left 4 seriously wounded victims, one of which had died. This accident also left most of Setiabudi in a blackout since yesterday. I was one of the resident who suffered from this blackout, which predicted won't be fixed until two or three days, even some rumors had it for up to a week.

I was out for most of the day yesterday and doesn't get back home until 7 pm. That's when i guessed that the blackout would last at least for a night. Thank god there's a 24-hour coffee shop. So i went there, ordered my favourite Cafe Misto with Cinnamon sparkled on it, put my Apple on the desk, and working while re-charging the battery. I stayed until almost midnight, after i was exhausted enough that the only thing i would do as soon as i lay down was to sleep.

I didn't appreciate the problem of this blackout until this morning when i wake up and still had this blackout all over. Well, now that the blackout would be at least for another day or two, i need to find a place to crash for a while.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

lu tinggal di mana skrg Ma?