Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Sinetron Malam (26 Desember 2006)

Sarapan buat saya adalah makan sambil memperhatikan mahasiswi-mahasiswi yang entah masih kucel karena baru bangun atau yang sudah segar dan bersiap pergi menuntut ilmu. Makan siang buat saya adalah makan dengan kolega kantor sambil membicarakan apapun yang lagi jadi tren saat ini. Dan makan malam buat saya adalah makan sambil nonton tivi. Tentu saja, dengan kualitas acara tivi sekarang ini, keberadaan remote dalam jangkauan tangan menjadi sesuatu hal yang esensial.

Tadi malam, seperti biasa, saya beli makan di luar dan memakannya sambil beringsut di depan tivi. Untungnya, tadi malam ada siaran bola. Tentu saja, ada kalanya selama 45 menit, ada beberapa saat di mana saya merasa bosan dan merasa perlu untuk berkeliling ke seluruh siaran yang ditawarkan. Pada salah satu perjalanan keliling siaran televisi, ada sebuah sinetron yang cukup mengganggu saya. Saya gak inget judul persisnya namun pastinya terdiri atas tiga kata penting berikut ini, "Ustadz", "Kawin", "Lagi". Ho ho, you gotta give a nod to those producers. Mereka benar-benar cepat menanggapi isu yang lagi tren. Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya juga sempat menangkap sebuah acara sinetron yang jelas-jelas terinspirasi dari peristiwa bocornya rekaman pribadi salah seorang anggota dewan. Saya berani taruhan bahwa sebentar lagi akan ada sinetron tentang seorang aktris yang dianggap baik oleh rekan-rekannya dan kemudian ditemukan mati di salah satu kamar hotel dengan indikasi overdosis. Hmm, apa sudah ada? Anyway, satu-satunya adegan yang saya lihat dari sinetron yang bersangkutan menampilkan sang aktor yang berperan menjadi ustadz memberi semacam wejangan kepada ibu-ibu warga senior dan salah seorang aktris yang menurut saya punya daya pikat di atas rata-rata aktris lainnya (saya gak inget namanya, cukup terkenal kok) di sebuah mushola (atau bangunan yang mirip mushola, saya gak inget). Berikut petikan wejangan sang ustadz yang saya coba berikan sepersis apa yang saya ingat. "Jadi saya ingin memberi contoh buat warga kampung sini, terutama ibu-ibu dan istri pertama saya.. bahwasanya.. poligami itu... bla bla bla.. sunah Rasul... bla bla bla... seperti dalam Al Qur'an... bla bla bla." Wejangan tersebut disampaikan sang aktor yang mengenakan surban, dengan suara yang sudah pasti dibuat-buat. Sedang sang aktris sendiri tampak sangat alim dengan pakaian panjang, dan jilbab warna lavender. Oh, sebentar, maaf, itu bukan jilbab, tapi rambut. Itu tadi adalah satu-satunya adegan yang saya lihat dari sinetron tersebut, tidak lebih dari tiga puluh detik, tapi cukup membuat saya kehilangan selera makan dan memutuskan untuk mengganti channel ke siaran bola dan tetap di channel tersebut sampai tengah malam.

Buat penggemar acara tivi tentu masih ingat dengan kejadian yang sempat merajai tayangan tivi dan menginvasi milis dan bulletin board dengan diskusi tanpa ujung yang berkaitan dengan tiga kata kunci judul sinetron yang sudah saya sebut di atas. Bukan bermaksut menggurui, tapi dari adegan yang saya cuplik dari sinetron ini menurut saya sangat misleading. Seakan-akan, poligami itu sesuatu yang dianjurkan, sunah, dan for lack of better words, baik.

CMIIW. Saya bukan ahli agama, atau semacamnya. Tapi saya cukup tahu, kalau satu-satunya ayat Al Qur'an yang berkaitan secara langsung dengan isu beristri lebih dari satu bukan sugestif, provokatif, ataupun sunnah. At best, menurut saya, hukum poligami sama kaya hukum merokok. Mubah. Boleh, dengan syarat yaitu mampu adil. Bisa adil? Saya ndak bisa, jadi buat saya poligami itu haram. Soal sunnah Rasul, saya ndak tahu pasti. Saya mencoba untuk pragmatis saja, sunnah Rasul buat saya adalah sesuatu yang dilakukan oleh Rasul. Apa Rasul poligami? iya. Tapi harap diingat bahwa menurut sejarah yang cukup sahih, selama beliau berkeluarga, sebagian besar tahunnya justru dilalui dengan monogami. Logika sederhananya, kalau memang beristri banyak itu sunnah (which means, berpahala jika dilakukan), kenapa Rasul mesti menunggu sekian puluh tahun dulu baru beristri banyak? Kesimpulan saya pribadi, saya cenderung tidak setuju dengan anggapan bahwa poligami itu sunnah.

Saya cukup yakin kalau ada di antara manusia yang bisa dengan adil membagi harta, atau waktu mereka di antara istri-istri yang ia miliki. Namun, pertanyaan yang paling penting, lagi-lagi menurut saya, justru adalah, bisa nggak adil hati? Kebanyakan orang tua, misalnya, pasti memiliki anak yang lebih diprioritaskan daripada anak yang lain. Saya jadi ingat film Ben-Hur. Di situ ada karakter Syeikh dari Mesir yang beristri banyak. Suatu hari, Syeikh ini bercerita pada si Ben-Hur bahwa setiap malam istri-istrinya selalu bertanya-tanya siapa yang disentuh duluan oleh si Syeikh ini. Buat saya pribadi, sentuhan itu sudah merupakan implementasi dari hati. Kalau saya tidak bisa menyentuh dua, tiga, atau empat orang sekaligus dengan tangan saya, berarti saya tidak bisa membagi hati ini menjadi dua, tiga, atau empat potongan yang sama. Which means, once again, buat saya, poligami itu haram.

Lalu, berkaitan dengan sang selebritis kita yang pernikahan keduanya menghebohkan masyarakat bahkan sampai ke istana Presiden, sikap saya seperti apa? Lepas dari sunnah atau tidaknya pernikahan keduanya tadi, saya sangat menyayangkan keputusan selebritis kita tersebut. Indikasinya sederhana, ketika beberapa waktu lalu footage mereka bertiga (him, his first wife, and his second wife) atau footage dari istri pertamanya tayang di televisi, dada saya sesak melihat sang istri pertama. Dan ini bukan lip service. I really wanted to cry and if allowed, embraced her to give as much as strengh i could give. Saya gak perlu tetek bengek pembenaran ini itu bahwa hal ini atau hal itu adalah sesuatu yang seperti ini atau seperti itu. Saya cukup melihat impact yang telah terjadi, merasakannya, dan lantas memutuskan untuk tidak simpatik kepada si pelaku.

Well, that settles it. Anyway lagi, Buku Harian Nayla tadi malam juga sudah tamat. Kemiripan ceritanya terhadap salah satu Dorama Jepang, Ichiritoru (One Litre of Tears) tidak membuat sinetron ini hilang popularitasnya. Malah dalam sebuah acara tivi (yang ditayangkan di stasiun yang sama dengan penayang sinetron jiplakan ini), sinetron ini dipuji. Yap, memang, ending sinetron ini tidak seperti kebanyakan sinetron yang si tokoh baik jadi pemenang, semua senang, dan semuanya hidup bahagia sampai akhir hayat. Endingnya, si Chelsea (Chelsea Olivia, anak SMP yang sering menyaru jadi anak kuliahan atau paling enggak anak SMU, penggantinya Leoni, namun inevitably, dinobatkan jadi ratunya sinetron jiplakan karena banyak dari sinetron do'i yang jiplakan) mati di bawah pohon cemara (pohon natal) pas pernikahannya. Clap clap clap, endingnya saudara-saudara, ternyata beda sama cerita aslinya. Tapi, tunggu sebentar, endingnya ternyata nyuplik, terinspirasi dari salah satu Dorama Jepang lainnya, yang jujur, satu dari sedikit sinetron Jepang yang saya ikuti, Kamisama (Kyoko Fukada, Takeshi Kaneshiro). Tsk tsk tsk. Lagi, you really had to give those producers an applaud. Their 'extensive' knowledge of 'other people's works' could really inspired them to made one hell of a masterpiece. I'm at loss for words at the moment. Let us take our hat off, bow down in pray, for our Cinema who has been 'alive' after the 90's hiatus, has once again, fell prey to the scythe of the Grim Reaper.

*fuhh fuhh capek nulis pake bahasa Indonesia yg baik dan benar*

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Festival Film Indonesia 2006

This post would be littered with cursing and dirty words.

Freaking assholes! I mean, where the fuck was those juror's eyes been put? On their ass? Stupid people, fuck shit, there are everywhere.

It's official, last night, Nayato Niofuala and his disgrade ensemble charade in the form of low-life film Ekskul won the Best Director and Best Pictures. And this 'Indonesian Academy Awards' has turned into 'Indonesian Razzie Awards'. Wishful thinking, i closed my eyes, opening it again and still sees 'Indonesian Academy Awards'. Just sad.

To be fair, of all 5 Indonesian film get nominated this year, i only haven't seen Ruang just yet. But, but, but, but, Denias was more superior than Ekskul like from every point of view. Except for Ramon J. Tungka, that is (this is a hugely relative comparison. i.e. Ramon was more superior than any of his peers at Ekskul, but fall unbelievably long to those casted in Denias). He was the sole solace of the entire Ekskul film. But still, it doesn't make Ekskul into a rough-diamond film, it was still dirt, pile of shit, garbage can, whatever you want to call it. Mendadak Dangdut was also more superior despite Titi Kamal only knows how to act being mad.

There you go, expect to see more garbage films from Nayato Fionuala a.k.a Koya Pagayo. I told you once, and i told you again, if you see any Indonesian film made by director whose name was either Nayato or Koya, stay away. Please.

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Closing Year at Hand

Many posts ago, i wrote something about how my time has running out, how there was this unseen devil lurking in the shadow waiting to strike me with its furious blow, or how that i was facing a fall to a deep crevasse with huge amount of risk that i couldn't bounce back and forever laid at the bottom of the crevasse. Well, it turns out that this lowly human in me still received a lot of love from God above. As it turns out, everything went swirled into my favor. Even though that an observible positive results were still nowhere to be seen, yet, i could safely say that for the first time in my life i had plans, backup plans, and backups to backup plans. And as i'm not going younger anymore, instead of saying 'better late than never' which in my point of view was what losers says, i'd be stared hard to my nemesis and say, 'i had plans, and i will made sure they works, and not even you, my dear old nemesis, could stop me.' Fabled bravado just like in stories. However, in this story, they're mine.

On the other hand, the end of December was nigh, and there'd be two major holidays coming, Idul Adha and New Year (yes, i still celebrated the Roman New Year, since i was still not used to the Islamic Calendar just yet). Insya Allah, this year's Idul Adha would brought forth some changes to me, personally. And for New Year, as usual i had one public New Year's resolution which just like ones i made since 2004, was to watch every film released in 2007. That would count to at the very least 208 films. Also there were several private New Year's resolutions in which i had to kill you (or marry you) should you knew about them.

Have a great Idul Adha and New Year's people, enjoy your holiday. This site would probably going to hiatus for a while, as well. Be seeing you in 2007.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

JIFFest: Babel (2006)

I've been out of town in this week, that even though the Jiffest has officially ended last Sunday, i still had a couple reviews waiting to be published.

Probably the most anticipated film at the Jiffest. The tickets for Babel has been sold out more than a week before the festival begun. I was lucky to had one. And along with The Queen, it was the best film i've seen in this year's festival.

Following his two previous works, Amores Perros (which is awesome), and 21 Grams (which in exception of Sean Penn as leading role, also quite superior), Alejandro Gonzales Innaritu employs a multiple narrations that overlaps one another without any fixed time-lines. But it doesn't hard to follow. The film weaves a story of four different set characters whose never seen one another during the film and scattered in various locations in the world (Morocco, Japan, and Mexico). These characters and stories were connected with a single gun, and a single shot. In my opinion, this film was quite similar with Amores Perros concerning the message it carries. Love, Reasons, and Resolutions. But if i had to chose which one is better among other, i would inclined to Amores Perros. Since it was more personal, and more tight. The only problem of Babel that keep arousing once and a while was that the film tends to overlong. With almost two and a half hour, you could easily imagine. Fortunately, though, the narration jumped at the right places that it could keep myself from being bored.

Moreover, this film had quite an ensemble casts. From the deaf-mute Chieko, to an intrepid Yussuf, all the characters seemed able to unleash their true potentials. This was the best work i've seen from Gael Garcia Bernal (though he had only limited screen time), and probably the best emotional role from Brad Pitt though he was also scarcely on stage. And of course, Cate Blanchett. I dont have to comment on her. She was great as usual. Now I really loved to see such actors like Brad Pitt took the role on an ensemble film like this, I could really appreciate how far he had transgressed from multi million dollars paycheck to a small role that actually explore his capability. And he looks so old, and weary, in this film, which is good.

My favourite slice of story from this film was one that belongs to Chieko (or the Japan storyline), who magnificently played by Rinko Kikuchi (pictured). The story never falter and i found myself waiting anxiously to wait for the Japan storyline to unravel druing the course of this film. She has the most complete arc of character in this film. She began with a resolute, independent girl, but had her share of griefs, turned into a lonely and desperate girl, and complete the circle by anchoring her desperation to one she loves best and returned again to a resolute, but much stronger girl. She was the most interesting character in this film. And that end shot where we see her it's one shot that i remembered seeing with a lot of emotions swelling inside my heart that i was on a brink of tears if people around me doesn't rustling to get out of their seat in haste (damn, those people). It's no wonder that Rinko Kikuchi got nominated for a best performance from actress in a supporting role at the next Golden Globe 2007.

Babel was scheduled to release shortly at 21 theaters near you (or is it already?), go catch it. You won't be dissatisfied. Scout Honor.

Babel, 2006
Directed by: Alejandro Gonzales Innaritu
Running Time: 142 mins.
My Rating: **** / **** (Rinko Kikuchi)

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Monday, December 18, 2006

JIFFest: The Queen (2006)

This film would have been my choice of (shared) the best film i've seen in Jiffest 2006 along with Babel. It was so good that i had to cancel my schedule to see Breakfast on Pluto which was screened after this film lest I ruined my already good mood by disturbing the impression I had when I went out of the theater.

When Cate Blanchett assumes the role of Queen Elizabeth I on that film, Elizabeth, I was immediately fall in love with Cate Blanchett. Now, eight years later after said film, when Helen Mirren assumes the role of Queen Elizabeth II on The Queen, in my opinion, she would had the best performance as an actress in a leading role for the whole year.

In 1997, people of Britain, and probably the whole world mourned for the demise of Lady Di. Who could forget such tragedy, anyways? This film dealt with the event during one week of the Lady Di's demise on the queen's prespective. Having allegedly blamed that she doesn't cared about Lady Di by most of the news and her people, she had to chose between keeping the old tradition and modernized custom. For instance, when people started to ask about why there was no Union Jack's flag flew at half mast at the Buckingham Palace it was truly merely because a four houndred years old custom that the flag would only raised when the Queen was at the Palace and won't raised at all otherwise. Even if one day, the Queen dies, the Union Jack's flag won't flew at half mast at the Palace. In short, this film was deal with what the Queen had to face when Princess Diana die. She had to chose between keeping an old custom which of course would be angered the public, and overblown by press or step down to the street, greet the mourners, give the Princess proper respect (in view of the public) which considered by her as the modern way.

One of the crew members of The Queen said, that Helen Mirren was so convincing as the Queen that it wouldn't take long for them to actually stand erect with both hands behind their back whenever she passed by. And that wasn't meant as a joke. That surmised the greatness of Helen Mirren as the Queen. Her aura has already perpetuate the sense of majestic that it was so easy to imagine her as the Queen. I was even frowned when Prince Charles' introduced. I was momentarily forget that I watch a fiction not a documentary. The actual footage of the events surrounding the death of Princess of Wales also added the sense of documentary to this film.

Also very much interesting was the realtionship between the Queen and her new appointed Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

The Queen (2006)
Directed by: Stephen Frears
Running time: 97 mins.
My Rating: ****/**** (Excellent)

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

JIFFest: Unmei Janai Hito (2005)

When watching a film, the story had my highest point of appreciation. If a story was engaging and compelling, the film would only needed a little less of good ingredients here and there to made my day. Unmei Janai Hito was one of the such.

The film was begin with unmistakeable sense of dull drama between two strangers who had their share of misfortunes. Maki (Reika Kirishima), an introverted woman who just decided to leave her fiancee when she found out about his infidelity and Miyata (Yasuhi Nakamura), a nerdy blue collar worker who can't get over from his failed relationship six months prior with a sassy, and sexy Ayumi (Yuka Itaya, pictured above) shared a table, courtesy of Miyata's junior high school friend, who was an unlucky private investigator, Kanda (Sou Yamanaka). Together, plus a hard-time yakuza, Asai (Kisuke Yamashita), these characters would revolve around an incident with a suitcase full of money on a single long Friday night events. The film would often revisit a scene from different character's point-of-view. And this dejavu-esque technique that keep the story engaging. However, the film was also wise enough to stay on its course by being light and funny. The re-shuffled scene was very apparent that only little guessing needed to comprehend the entire original timeline of the film.

As with every other good Japanese films, i had no complaint with the casts, introverted Maki, nerdy Miyata, carefree Kanda, sultry Ayumi, and intrepid Asai were all live up to their role that none of them grew boring. Some of them even had depth as it was apparent with Maki, in which she had to face with difficult choice. The soundtrack played nicely swinging from this mood to other in a coherent way. Can't believe that this film was coming from the first-time director, Kenji Uchida.

I was blind buy the ticket to this film (just because it's Japanese), but i was ultimately rewarded, and so far, this has been my best money well spend during the festival.

Unmei Janai Hito, 2005 (US: Stranger of Mine)
Directed by: Kenji Uchida
Running Time: 98 mins.
My Rating: ***1/2 / **** (Engaging)

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

JIFFest: Mendadak Dangdut (2006)

This would marked as the first Indonesian film ever since Soerabaja '45 that i watch it on silver screen. And not because it's free. But because i thought that by standing inline for the free-ticket for this film would be much rewarding as opposed to oh, say, standing inline for Heart? Ekskul? or those Indonesian horrors? Well, go figure.

Now, was it worth it? Read on. The film begins with a huge (probably just because i'm seeing it at the theater) close-up shot of Titi Kamal singing some pop-tune. Man, she's ugly. Anyway, just like binary, during the film's course, there would be only two state of Titi Kamal's character. One, when she's mad, which is good, and two, when she's crying, which is not so convincing. Rather hastily, the film went into this to that in matter of seconds, apparently, Rudi Sujarwo wanted to made sure that the audience would know that Titi Kamal's character is an ass, and Kinaryosih's character is an angel in as fewest scene as possible.

Aside from that, the film's main problem was in its technicalities. On one chasing scene, the camera was sooooo wobbly that i could stand to watch it for long lest i've got a headache. The sound was sometimes uneven, sometimes too loud, and sometimes too crowded.

But, however lacked, i found myself enjoying this film. Probably because i'm in drought of Indonesian film that even a decent one could satisfy me.

Mendadak Dangdut, 2006
Directed by: Rudy Sudjarwo
Running Time: 90 mins.
My Rating: ** / **** (Decent enough)

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Monday, December 11, 2006

JIFFest: Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

Meet the Hoovers. Little Olive was seven-year-old, she wanted to enter a beauty peagant, Little Miss Sunshine and intend to made it worthwhile for her. Her father was a struggling, if not failing motivator spokeperson who can't get any audience and often were at odds with his wife, an overworked mother who barely able to even prepared a proper meal for family's dinner. Her grandfather was recently kicked out of a nurse home because of his drug-habit and liberal way of sex. Her uncle was a gay who recently tried to kill himself after his companion refused his love. And her brother was on a nine months vow of silence until he gets into an Air Force, claiming that he hates everyone. One thing that this family would be reluctantly agreed upon, eventually. They will travel several hundred miles in a battered VW bus from Albequerque to California to take Little Olive to her first shot of fame, a beauty peagant, Little Miss Sunshine.

December edition of Premiere Magazine named Little Miss Sunshine as the second seed for a Best Picture of this year's Oscar (the first seeds were: Babel, Flags of Our Father, The Departed, Dreamgirls, and The Queen), and it was clearly the most funniest film of the year. And i believe that all 420 people in that packed Djakarta Theater last night were agreed on this.

There were long cheers and clapping after the film ends. This film has been a darling to the critics, Sundance Film Festival's favourite, and making more money than its makers could possibly imagine. All for good reasons. The film never fell apart to a chessy drama between families. The problems were not solved but agreed upon. And by the time we see that battered VW bus going again, we knew that things had changed between the family members, was it for better? or was it for worse? nobody could tell, it was up to the Hoovers to deal with their own. And us, audience, after a joyride with the Hoovers were bowed out. See, that's because in real life, problems within family weren't solved they
were dealt. And that's way this film had my excellent rating.

Little Miss Sunshine's truly perfect ensemble cast live up to the excellent script that was real which is to say, that the script wasn't meant as a joke on the family's part. They were what most likely you had in a family but we're able to share their laughs. Steve Carrell's departure from comedy doesn't flail and Paul Dano who didn't speak almost two thrid of the film deliver the film's strongest performance during the opening of the third act. Abigail Breslin, a seven year-old who plays Olive didn't trapped into being cutey little girly that her peers often fell into, and Alan Arkin as grandpa practically steals every single scene he's on.

And you could ask me for whatever money you spent for this film if you didn't at least crack a smile when the peagant came into a talent show-off section. Come on, this film is impossible not to love.

Little Miss Sunshine, 2006
Directed by: Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris
Running Time:
My Rating: ***1/2 / **** (Hillarious)

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JIFFest: Match Point (2005)

Chris (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) was a young man from Irish who went to London to made his day. He was a retired pro tennis player, and went to teach tennis at the exclusive club where rich folks gathered. And that's how we introduced with Tom Hewett (Matthew Goode), a heir to a very rich family. He quickly befriended Tom and hooked-up with Tom's sister, Chloe (Emily Mortimer) and already set for marriage. That was until he met Nola (Scarlett Johansson), Tom's fiancee. We had an impression that Chris only agreed to marry Chloe merely for money, and in truth really wanted to be with Nola. So, when Tom called-of their engagement, after Chris married, we knew that an affair was surely about to happen.

Given the premise, you may have already had guessed about how everything's turned out. Rest assured, you'll be rewarded, and satisfied with the ending. It doesn't cheat and instead of putting a satisfied end for its characters, it left out unfinished, which is why i dont feel like i was being cheated. Great watch.

When the film start, i was panicked. The film was British, with thick English accent of course, and it's a Woody Allen film where obviously there will be going a lot of talk, and it had no subtitle so i had to rely on my hearing which was i deemed as my worse English ability. Fortunately, i was underestimate my own capability. Years and years of training with films, games, and books has come to fruition. I was even overheard some guys talking about the ending, in which they had it all wrong. I won't spoil the ending. But really, even that slight misunderstood on the final act could really put this film from great to bad in interpretation. That said final act also the one that made my eye gouged and my jaw dropped, and which responsible to elevate this film into the height its achieved.

This film is Chris' story, and i couldn't think of anyone beside Jonathan Rhys Meyers to take the role. Scarlett Johannson is of course, as yummy as ever, and Emily Mortimer doesn't have any difficulty whatsoever to slid into her role as a mother, and as a wife. This film is not merely about Chris/Nola/Chloe triangle, but as you would see for yourself in the final act, it elevates into the next level, and ultimately made this film a near-masterpiece, from the point of view of your humble reviewer.

Match Point, 2005
Directed by: Woody Allen
Running Time: 124 mins.
My Rating: Excellent (***1/2 / ****)

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JIFFest: The Illusionist (2006)

Edward Norton was once my favourite actor. His gig on Fight Club was extraordinary. He could really well portraying an insomniac disturbed person. However, i've rarely seen otherwise from him. The image of Tyler Durden's alter ego was in my point of view, solidly associated with him. In fact, Fight Club remains his only film that i could really enjoy. Sadly, that thing wasn't going to change in a while.

Eisenheimer's story was similar to that of Huncback from Notre-Dame. But of course, instead of being physically deformed, this guy was quite handsome, quite handy with his hands, and only thought inappropriate for falling in love to a Duchess because he was son of a carpenter. So, when said Duchess' parents separated the lovebirds, he went to travel the world, honing his magic skills and 15 years later back to Vienna to win back his girl.

But of course, there's more than meet the eye. The girl was engaged to a possessive,
megalomaniac, and drunk crown prince, Leopold who wished to overthrow his dad from the throne. And willingly or not, Eisenheimer soon tangled in a power-play that involved the Duchess, the crown-prince, and the 'not-entirely bought' police inspector.

To made this review short, the film was overlong (which actually helped in a way that i keep guessing weather Eisenheimer was a real magician or simply a man full of tricks), and the conclusion process was pragmatically shortened (that is, i'm not satisfied). Ed Norton's performance as Eisenheimer was okay, but he oftenly remind me to that insomniac disturbed person he was in Fight Club that altough the character resonate with Eisenheimer's in the last third of the film, i found it difficult to really associate Eisenheimer the illusionist as a mentally disturbed persona that lacks sleep in the first several minutes. Jessica Beil was only up there to give a reason to Eisenheimer, she was displayed up just like a mannequin in a beauty shop. Paul Giamatti was great as always, he was the one that kept this film on its course, and lastly, Rufus Sewell who so bastardly able to portray that crown prince, great cruel bastard, a typical monarch that you would only read in stories. I love him.

Don't get fooled with the title. In my opinion, it suggests that the film would greatly dealt with the live of an illusionist, you know, the way he hone his tricks, the way he performs at his show, et cetera. However, you'd still get a decent illusions along the way, but really, it was just another love story with lame (and corny) pick-up lines such as, "i travel the world, but i can't solve one mystery. The mystery of why i can't get you off my mind". Okay, i've heard better, and that scene (it's a sex scene) was the one that really put me off.

The Illusionist, 2006
Directed by: Neil Burger
Running Time: 110 mins.
My Rating: Intersting (** / ****)

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JIFFest: John and Jane (2005)

I'm not a fancy to a documenter-film. But of course there are some documentary films that really 'hit' me when it's really good. Metallica: Some Kind of Monster and Bowling for Columbine to name a few that crossed my mind. John and Jane was unfortunately fell far from it. John and Jane tells a story of a six different characters from India who worked as a telemarketer to the people in the U.S. Each one of them sees United States as the place of prosperity, fortune and incredible wealth. Each had their own dreams which we shall see that they drown to naught to their incredibly dull work as telemarketer. To tell you one thing, after this film, i could really appreciate and feel sorry to those girls (and guys, were there any guys in local telemarketer? uhm, can't tell) behind the phone.

John and Jane didn't 'hit' me, even so far as being a boring film. Fortunately, the film didn't cost me a cent. For those of you unaware, every documenter films that screened at Jiffest were free. The main problem with John and Jane was that i couldn't connect to the characters and their stories. There were vaguely defined names to each one of them, so vague that i couldn't remember who is who several minutes later. There were no fixed-timeline to each of the character, no fixed scenario (well, even a documenter film needs one, if you asked me), and their stories weren't interesting enough. So, you're an Indian? You grew to despise your native heritage after merely talked to the real U.S citizen twelve time-zones away? Big deal. Only one story that interesting enough. I believe his (US adopted) name was Glen. He dreamed of being a billionaire, but sadly, we see him only lived in his dreams unable to wake. He had this timeline for each day up to the minutes. It's sad. But really, if only the other five shared his sadness, the film would have worked.

Another thing that was missing about this film was the lack of conclusion. I was left as clueless as before the opening-credit rolls. The sense of anonimosity that the film-maker offered doesn't shed a conclusive solution nor an entertaining values. As an audience, i was left in audience seat. Observing from outside without ever comitting inside the characters and felt close to naught afterwards.

One thing to applaud though, just like everything's free in Indonesia, the theater was fully booked with long (and crowded) line prior the show (there were no seat numbers so you had to rushes in if you wanted to make sure you had a good spot), but during the film, the crowd were quiet, they were laughing and clapping at the right places. And that alone has made my day. Oh, i just loved civilized people. Thank you.

John & Jane, 2005
Directed by: Ashim Ahluwalia
Running Time: 83 mins.
My Rating: Quite a bore, actually (* / ****)

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Thursday, December 07, 2006


If i'm about to draw the red-line between Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio, it goes like this: I hate them both, really hate them both in that movie when the huge ship sinks. But, as it turns out, i really enjoyed them nowadays, i see that Leo has succesfully gone mature especially since his involvement with Martin Scorcese (casted to lead role in his last three movies, that should count on something) and i respected him more than ever now since he made that comment about my favourite actress, Cate Blanchett about how she was a 'female Daniel Day-Lewis' the guy whose responsible to creeps the hell out of me on Gangs of New York, and decided to enjoys movies more than just a mere entertainment. He said, that she was (just like Daniel Day-Lewis) a chameleon that she could actually play as anybody in any kind of movie. Oh, yes, he won my heart just right and then. Anyone who loves Cate Blanchett would surely and easily get my love.

Kate Winslet was another story. She was so damn good over the years that i wouldn't give up a chance to catch her on any movies she's on. Her charming performance in Eternal Sunshine.. was memorable especially during her red-hair phase (to tell you a secret, i've had a soft spot for red-haired woman. My girlfriend was red-haired). Only her outward beauty that put her one spot less than Cate Blanchett in my list of favourite actress.

How's that for ironic? Two of my hatred object during senior high school turns out to be two of the few of whom i really enjoyed the works. Anyway, what's wrong with Titanic? It was the top-grossing movie of all time anyway, that reason alone could deny any of my rational thought on how i dont like Titanic. I mean, the crowds love it, way too much, but still, top-grossing movie of all time? Well, i dont hate it, that's for starter, but you see, i've always put myself on the opposite of the society in regards to trend. In other words, whenever a thing get so hip that everybody talked about it, somehow, i found a way to grow contempt about it, and be proud of it. Selfish? Yes, but see, that's what i am. So, if anything hip out there, if anything was popular out there, you could safely bet that most of the time i would hate it.

Last night on DVD, i just seen Requiem for a Dream, and in my opinion, it was the best film that ever deal with drug-addictness. In fact, i think this film would be very effective to deliver the message about the danger of being drug-addict. The last fifteen minutes of the film was very raw, sickening and disturbing that i'm barely able to close my eyes without seeing the images flashes before my eyes for several hours after i watch the film. Damn. And, i can't believe that Marlon Wayans (that 'funny' guy who play junkie Shorty in Scary Movie series) could actually act. And oh, Jennifer Connelly was naked. But of course, i would called you 'sick-bastard' and silently vow to not be alone in a room with you should you're aroused by Ms.Connelly nakedness. No wonder that everybody has been so anxious to wait for Darren Aronofsky's next-project after this film (The Fountain).

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Monday, December 04, 2006

Box Office

For a third week in a row, Happy Feet, most hailed as the best animation of the year (considering that many animation films came out this year, that's huge) claimed the top spot of the US Box Office chart. And ever not so far behind, also for a third week in a row, Casino Royale claimed the 2nd spot of the chart on a sure way to surpassed Die Another Day to become the top-grossing Bond movie.

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Thursday, November 30, 2006

8th Jakarta International Film Festival: The Tickets

I had bought the tickets to the Jakarta International Film Festival for these films and schedules:

I still wanted to see:
Breakfast on Pluto, M, Murderball, Metal: A Headbanger's Journey, John and Jane, Sabah, A Soap, 3-Iron, Look Both Ways, and probably some Indonesian films (they were free by the way, that means you would only have to stand in line to get your ticket - if available - for free). Damn. But well, i'm going to enjoy this year's film festival. I know i will, expect the full report each on every day of the festival.

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Monday, November 27, 2006

In Retrospect: Michael Mann

When i went back in time, to 1995 to be precise, i remembered an experience worthy to mention regarding the path of film-buffs which i had chose to embrace for these last 4 years. I was born and grew in a small city where the only theater in town would only play Indonesian film (you who went through 90's would surely knew what kind of Indonesian film that been released at the time), Indian film, or any B-film features Jean Claude Van Damme. So, not much of a choice if you asked me. But during that time, thanks to some (though barely enough) reading materials, i managed to get myself acquainted with some of better films out there. Well, enough to know that Van Damme's film aren't worthy of my money.

Sometime in 1995, i've got my hands to two films which become somewhat of a starting point of my path. Se7en and Heat. Se7en was particularly intriguing in itself that i dont need to mention its importance. I mean, for a kid who had never seen a decent film before, given a film that not only entertains but gave a little tease to te brain, with stellar acting from Mr.Kevin Spacey who easily become one of my favourite actor until now, it surely blows.

However, Heat was an entirely different story. For one, i certainly doesn't expect that the film would be three hour long, features less gun-fights, and many talks which at the time, was a source of boredom to me (really, i was 14, and i watched the film entirely without subtitles). In fact, i was able to appreciate the film, even tagged it with a word 'masterpiece' after three viewings. First time in 1995, second time in 2000, and finally, in 2004 where Heat become one of the film that i held high above many others.

The film has proven to stand the test of time and remains in my shortlist of great films that i could enjoy watching again and again. When i saw it last time, i held my breath when Al Pacino and Robert De Niro exchanging casual conversations over coffee even that they were actually nemeses to each other.

As this entry's title suggest, by the way, i want to talk about Michael Mann, the director who gave birth to that masterpiece called Heat. In 2004, Michael Mann directed Collateral, which easily become one of the best film in 2004, and arguably features the best performance from Mr.Tom Cruise ever since 1999's Magnolia. And in mid-2006, not so long ago, he directed Miami Vice which even though that only receives lukewarm reviews from his fan (even some mentioned that it was his weakest work), i could enjoy. Even though, obviously, not as much as the previous two.

Now, Heat, Collateral, and Miami Vice. If i was allowed to draw a red-line between the three, i had some distinct conclusion that all three films shared the same trait, and even why Miami Vice doesn't work that well compared with the other two.

Both Heat, and Collateral features a single character, a menace to society, a lone-wolf in otherwise tamed environment (Robert De Niro's character and Tom Cruise's character). And we went through the film through this character. We felt its estranged-ness and finally even though that both of the characters were naturally an antagonist, we could give our sympathy and even felt at loss when we're depart with those characters. Well, at least that's what i felt, and that's what i think that gave both of the films their respective stellar qualities in my short-list.

Now, what's wrong with Miami Heat? Mind you, i dont think that there was anything wrong with Miami Heat, i loved the cinematography, i loved how the camera works, and i especially loved the sense of 'being-there'. And maybe, just maybe, i mingth named Miami Heat as one of the best film in 2006. Definitely one of the best in summer. But, during the lengthy film, i was mostly lost. I've got nobody on screen to attach my feeling to. It felt just like watching porn compared to actually doing it. You still get excited, but it just wasn't the same.

Colin Farrell was supposed to be the lone-wolf, but he lacks the charisma, and his peer, played by Jamie Foxx, failed to compensate for the lack. Thus, i failed to sympatize with both Mr.Farrell's and Mr.Foxx's characters and devoid to any emotional feeling he might have on screen. It was a big question to me since Mr.Foxx was a surperb screen-duo for Mr.Cruise back in Collateral.

Anyway, though many would still considers Miami Heat is one of the director's pretentious and self-important works to date, i could still enjoy it, and given the right time, i wouldn't mind to spare another three-hours of my time to embrace the great visuals that is Miami Heat. And still i hope, that in the future, Michael Mann would made another film in coherence with his current films theme, a lone-wolf. Can't hope for another masterpiece though, since in my opinion every director should've been entitled to only one masterpiece through his career. And in my opinion, Heat was still Michael Mann's masterpiece.

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

8th Jakarta International Film Festival

Another worthy event to mention. Get your membercard now (it's relatively cheap, only 150,000 Rupiahs for 10 screenings). For your consideration, i'd be on these films screening, and they also serves as my recommendation.

  • 3-Iron (Bin-Jip)
  • All the King's Men
  • An Incovenient Truth
  • Babel
  • Breakfast on Pluto
  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • M --> check this one out. It's 1931 German film, i've had the film, but of course, i wouldn't miss the opportunity to watch it again on big screen.
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Match Point
  • Murderball
  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • The Queen
  • Volver
  • Walk the Line

The above films were certain to watch on my list, and that's already over than 10 titles. I may have had to bought two memberships since i also wanted to watch as many foreign (non-US) films as i can.

The 8th JiFFest will be held on December 8th to 17th. More on Jiffest's official web-site.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Children of Hurin

JRR Tolkien's great trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, had a significant value in me. Both in films, and literacy. I was stunned when i saw the first instalment of the Lord the Rings, and immediately went to a book store to bought the book. The love went on until now. In addition to the original trilogy, i also bought The Hobbit and my favourite, The Silmarillion. The Silmarillion held a significant value since it's probably the book that i've read many times over and over again. If you think you love The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the book, not the films, i suggest you to stop doing anything and read the Silmarillion instead.

Furthermore, i also went on and bought all twelve volume of The History of Middle-Earth which compiled by Christopher Tolkien from unfinished materials that has been written in notes and annotations by his father (JRR Tolkien) during the writing of The Lord of the Rings. Of those twelve volumes, i just read three of them. Since you know, it was a significantly harder reading materials than the other works, and many of the stories written in the History of Middle-Earth were an early conceptions of the mythology found in the Silmarillion and the Lord of the Rings. Thus, i had to read the Silmarillion over and over again.

Now, when i was browsing some random facts at Wikipedia, i stumbled upon the news, that on Spring 2007, Christopher Tolkien was about to publish a new book based on his father's note, entitled 'Children of Hurin'. You can read more about who is this Hurin on ever trusted Wikipedia. I had to read The Silmarillion again. And oh, i'm definitely going to buy Children of Hurin should the book available in the store. It would also serve well if you'd like to... ah, you know, bought the book as a present for me.. :D.

Well, like i said, i'm going to read The Silmarillion again.

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Monday, November 20, 2006

More on Daniel Craig's Issues as Bond

A while back, some 'purist' created this site and even suggest a boycott for Casino Royale. Now, after the relative success of the film, and generally accepted new-wave of Bond, AND not to mention general agreement of film critics worldwide to Mr.Craig, see what said site has to offer. Heh. Bunch of morons.

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Festival Film Indonesia 2006

It's official. Though that i must warned you, to stay clear of this year's Festival Film Indonesia. This is your final and only warning.


Best Picture
Dunia, Senandung di Atas Awan
Mendadak Dangdut

Best Director
Nayato Fio Nuala (Ekskul)
Hanny R Saputra (Heart)
John De Rantau (Denias, Senandung di Atas Awan)
Nia Dinata (Berbagi Suami)
Teddy Soeriaatmadja (Ruang)

Best Actor
Albert Fakdawer (Denias, Senandung di Atas Awan)
Aries Budiman (Garasi)
Dwi Sasono (Mendadak Dangdut)
Ramon Y Tungka (Ekskul)
Ringgo A Rahman (Jomblo)

Best Actress
Ayu Ratna Pratiwi (Garasi)
Luna Maya (Ruang)
Nirina Zubir (Heart)
Shanty (Berbagi Suami)
Titi Kamal (Mendadak Dangdut)

Best Supporting Actor
Dennis Adhiswara (Jomblo)
El Manik (Berbagi Suami)
Mathias Muchus (Denias, Senandung di Atas Awan)
Minus Karuba (Denias, Senandung di Atas Awan)
Reuben Elishama (Berbagi Suami)

Best Supporting Actress
Ira Maya Sopha (Berbagi Suami)
Kinaryosih (Mendadak Dangdut)
Reggy Lawalata (Ruang)
Ria Irawan (Berbagi Suami)
Rieke Dyah Pithaloka (Berbagi Suami)

I mean, look at that. Nayato Fiowaerlaf-efa;la-whatever as a best director. That would be an equivalent to gave Uwe Boll an Oscar nod. And Berbagi Suami wasn't even in? i mean, the film that has won Hawaii Film Festival (need verification)? And as i mentioned earlier, no Barry Prima? and instead, we had that annoying, all self-important Dennis whatever-his-name? The only 'acceptable' (i put that word under single quote, mind you) thing was that Rieke Dyah Pitaloka and Ringgo Rahman had their nods.

When was the festival will be held, you ask? Do i look like the one who cared about that? No, i dont know when will the festival be held, and i'm not intended to find out. If you're really that eager for this year's Indonesian film festival, go look for the info elsewhere.

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Film Review: Casino Royale (2006)

Or should i say, 'how does Bond turned from a human into an one dimensional Bond we've already familiar with'.

Let me say this beforehand, i dont like James Bond. Never. The way i see Bond over the last twenty films was that he is a cocky robot with that half-closed eyes, small smile, pensive demure, live large, defy death, emotionally detached when he slept with those 'Bond girls' be it friend or foe, beating some silly bandits whose scheme was as cheesy as world domination, and high-tech weaponry provided by ever-silly Q.

So when Daniel Craig appointed as the next James Bond after Pierce Borsnan, i merely said, 'oh, okay' without any anticipation whatsoever, even as the news begin to produce more rumors and speculations over the net, with of course, most 'purist' said, that Daniel Craig wasn't Bond.

I was neither pro or against at the time. That was until some stupid teenager said that the Casino Royale film will be certain bad, because he doesn't know who this Daniel Craig was. I got snapped at this teenager, and shoved him out of the discussion board by giving him two of Mr.Craig films, Layer Cake and Enduring Love. Both of which showed that Daniel Craig had a stellar acting capability and an already variety in his acting career. Right from that moment then, i'm all for Mr.Craig and i meant to see the film firsthand to prove to the public who against Mr.Craig that they could suck up their own ass. And oh how i really wanted to tell them after i've seen this film, that they should hung up their heads in shame.

I daresay, that this is the best Bond film that i've ever seen. Mr.Craig gave an hard edge to the Bond which we never seen before. He nails the dramatic scene and lending an impressive physicality to the action scenes. He loves to run, anyway, but thank god, he could run without looking like a girl *cough*Brosnan*cough*.

James Bond's character in this Casino Royale was surprisingly, for the first time ever (first time that i've seen anyway), had something akin to a character development. In this film, James Bond just received his 007 status, and thus his license to kill, and just like a teenager who just had his driving license, he had an urge to ... ugh... step on the gas? And through the film, we shall see Mr.Bond loses his temper, that even when he asked for a Vodka Martini in which the bartender replies, 'Shaken or stirred, Sir?', he snapped and gave the man an angry look which NEVER appears on the previous Bond's faces, 'Do i look like i gave a damn?'. That's something.

The action scenes were also a jaw-dropping. That opening scene were Bond chases his target without those stupid gadgets provided by Q (who, thank god, didn't appear in this movie) save for his own two foot, and his environment literally stopped my breath. Physically exhaustive, tremendously catchy, and well executed. I can't even start to imagine how if Roger Moore be on Mr.Craig's shoe, or that sissy Pierce Borsnan. In short, i was most welcomed this change of course from Bond, that instead depending on his gadgets (just like Batman, now that i think of it), he was depending more to his own physical ability.

Halfway through this article, i just realised that this new version Bond was just look like Jason Bourne. In truth, before the film loses his momentum (that extra 25 minutes was a total waste, they should've trimmed it down to 120 minutes instead of 144 minutes), i was thinking that 'hey, i could almost enjoy this film like i enjoyed the Bourne series'. Almost.

There were three things that has been a trademark of James Bond. Girls, Gadgets, and Villains. Let's talk about villains first. Mr.Bond's villain in the Casino Royale was a mathematical genius, chess prodigy, who instead wanted to rule over the world (like all previous Bond's villains ever wanted. Bah. You can't get more cheesy than that), only interested in wealth and personal profits. Nothing more but way more plausible than the previous villains. He's weird (just like every Bond's villains) with the scar over his left eye which constantly bleeding from time to time, but seemed more normal than steel-toothed Jaws (you Bond-freak must know who he is) but no less ruthless. And as with the girls, can't get better than it already has.

We've been talking about gadgets, which has been - to my personal delight - trimmed to minimum-level, so let's go straight to the girls. Mr.Bond's protege for this film was Miss Eva Green, who i knew best since she bares it all in front of the camera lest ruined with her attachment to Kingdom of Heaven. With perpetual French accent on her speech, beautiful close-up shots, she was more a Bond-woman than a Bond-girl. In fact, this is the first time i've seen a Bond-girl and not waiting expectantly for a coitus to happen or enchanting 'strip, strip, strip, strip' inside. Well, it happened anyway, but far from any lust that had been carried with Bond brand over the years. Miss Green (both her character and her merit), was among the best, if not the best, Bond-girl ever. She was not a mere sex object to Bond, for the first time, the Bond-girl has something more than a cleavage and a narrow hips.

Even if i had been praised this film beyond beliefs, considering the figure earnings this film would earned, i had a considerable doubt that the franchise would continue with Mr.Craig as the leading man. Take the last Bond film with Mr.Brosnan, Die Another Day (i watch the film in a big screen) though that it was a mindless numbing experience, the crowd seems to like it considering the six figure sales of the film. I would say that most of the crowd were youngsters where explosions, hot-babes, and fancy cars and gadgets were the main attractions. This film, as you would knew if you spared the time to read this review, had all the fore-mentioned things in a minimum-level. However, whatever you say, this film was the best Bond film that i've ever seen, and Mr.Craig was easily the best Bond since Sean Connery, even -- um, i guess i'm going to stop here.

All in all, except for a moronic, uncivilized youngsters who sits next to me (there were 7 of them) who won't keep their noises down, i'm ablet to come out of the theater in a satisfied manner. Now if you'd excuse me, i will go watch it again.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pop Quiz

If you knew this guy, then you'd knew how my taste on movies lay. Hint: His next long awaited film was going to be released in limited area soon. And he often works with Naomi Watts.

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Monday, November 13, 2006

Having a Bad Day?

Yeah, shoot yourself in the head. Geez.

Anyway, the man on this picture was one of my favourite Japanese director, Takeshi Kitano. Most of you would surely knew him from that stupid TV show, "Takeshi's Castle". Yeah, he's the one.

Still from Japan, by the way, Sony PlayStation 3 has finally hit the shelves. But of course, the limited supply of the machine scarcely enough to meet the demand of the hardcore gamers who wanted to get the first hand to the machine. And as the economist rule of thumb says, more demand means that the price would go up. Originally sold for 59800 Yen, by the end of the day, the price goes up to a whopping 90000 Yen. No telling on how much or when does the machine hit the Indonesian market.

Anyway, this lucky bastard was among the first person in the world who own Sony PlayStation 3. He (a 22-year old student) had been waiting in line since 6 p.m on Friday. That means, he had been standing in line for 14 hours just to get one.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I'll be here:

on 29th Jazz Goes to Campus, November 19th, 2006 and here:

on 8th JakJazz, November 24th - 26th, 2006. Got a three-day ticket for a bargain price!

I'm not an avid Jazz maniac per se, but i know and appreciate a good music when i heard one.

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dream Theater Score - Subjective Review

Now, finally, a proper review on the newest live DVD from the greatest band in the universe, Dream Theater.

The live DVD was made to commemmorate 20th years of reign that Dream Theater has established worldwide, and was the first live ever from the band with full Orchestra.

The live show was divided into two-sets of live. First set, features only the band, and second set, features the band with full Orchestra.

Set #1
1. The Root of All Evil
The next chapter from Mike Portnoy's Alcoholics Anonymous Saga delivers nicely and powerful enough to open the stage. It also delivers to open the stage in conjunction with the song being the first track of the Dream Theater's latest CD, Octavarium.

2. I Walk Beside You
No surprises on the two first tracks of the live. No alternative riffs, no additional sounds, everything were exactly the same as heard on the CD.

3. Another Won
Before progresses to the next song, James LaBrie had a brief conversation with audience regarding a brief history of Dream Theater. Whilst on stage, two center screens shows the old pictures of Dream Theater's personnel as they were twenty years ago, skinny, complete with longish hair very common in metal community at the end of 80's. From here on, the songs progressing based on the timeline, beginning with this song who was among the first song that they wrote.

4. Afterlife
Taken from the only album (their first) that features another singer other than James LaBrie, this song is my personal favourite from the album. Again, still no surprises, everything goes and heard just like on the CDs.

5. Under a Glass Moon
No comment on this one, taken from their second album. Great hand-works from John Petrucci. The resemblance solo sequence with the CD was uncanny.

6. Innocence Faded
I would prefer Scarred or Erotomania as the song that represents their third album. But still, the album (Awake), in my opinion was the most difficult album from Dream Theater to hear.

7. Raise the Knife
No comment on this one, taken from one of the sessions in process of their fourth album, the song never went officially into the official track list of the Falling into Infinity album. And i heard it the first time on this DVD.

8. The Spirit Carries On
Ah, probably the most known ballad album from the fifth album. Too easy. And with the end of this song, so ends set #1.

In truth, i was rather disappointed to hear (and see) set #1. No surprises, no technical show-offs, just a regular band playing the track from their discography as that they would doing it on a record sessions. But hey, it still Dream Theater.

Set #2
9. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Okay, the stage was darkened, and as the lights went on, no band members were visible on stage. Instead, we had a full orchestra!. I must tell you beforehand, that Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (from their sixth album) was a single song, the longest Dream Theater's song to date (42 minutes long), consists of eight sections. The very first section (Overture) was a six minute instrumental that originally on the CD was performed by the band. In this live version, however, the first part was entirely played by the orchestra. And if it didn't gave you a goosebumps, you ought to turn off your DVD player and switch to local pop materials such as Radja, Peter Pan, or stuffs. This event was also serves as the only time Dream Theater played the whole sections of Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, from start to finish. John Petrucci changed his guitar at least thrice during the song play.

10. Vacant
Odd choice from the seventh album, though if you count the presence of the orchestra, it would made clear sense. I would personally prefer Stream of Consciussness or Endless Sacrifice. But both songs has been covered in the Live at Budokan DVD.

11. The Answer Lies Within
Another ballad song taken from the eighth album. Again, odd choice on my behalf. During the second view, i skipped track #10, #11, and #12 entirely.

12. Sacrifice Sons
This is personal. I never liked the song, because of its lyrical content. During the first view, i skipped straight to the solo section and never watch it again for the subsequent viewing.

13. Octavarium
Ah, my current favourite song. Another epic song (24 minutes), with first section showed-off what Jordan Rudess could do with that weird looking tuts-less keyboard (called Continuum). The flute part still creeps me out even more. I've got no further comment on the song. I just sit back, intently watching the show, oblivious to the world around, and smiled to myself as if to satisfy myself that i put this song above any other song ever written for a reason. And i'm watching the said reason. I said it before, and i said it again, Octavarium is the best song ever written.

14. Metropolis
After seemingly a perfect closure to the end of yet another tremendous show, Dream Theater bowed to their New York fans with Metropolis. A little bit of trivia, Dream Theater's management was said to be fined for thirty-thousand US dollars because they were 3 minutes past the 11 PM curfew permitted at Radio City Music Hall where the concert was held because the band took their time "thank you"-ing the audience.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Festival Film Indonesia 2006

The Indonesian equivalent for Academy Awards, Festival Film Indonesia with Piala Citra and Piala Vidya which serve as a substitute for Oscar statuette and Emmy awards, respectively. The final nominations would be announced on November 16th, 2006. But, the preliminary selection has been done and here's the result:

Film Cerita untuk Bioskop

Berbagi Suami, sutradara Nia Dinata (PT Kalyana Shira Film)

Denias, Senandung di Atas Awan, sutradara John De Rantau (PT Alenia Film)

Ekskul, sutradara Nayato Fio Nuala (PT Indika Cipta Media)

Garasi, sutradara Agung Sentausa (PT Miles Production)

Heart, sutradara Hanny R. Saputra (PT Kharisma Starvision)

Jomblo, sutradara Hanung Bramantyo (PT Sinemart Pictures)

Lentera Merah, sutradara Hanung Bramantyo (PT Rapi Film)

Mendadak Dangdut, sutradara Rudy Soedjarwo (PT Sinemart Pictures)

Opera Jawa, sutradara Garin Nugroho (PT Karya Set Film)

Ruang, sutradara Teddy Soeriatmadja (PT Parama Entertainment Picture)

Okay, that's an oddball, and weird interesting selection. Logically when those films mentioned above were going through a preliminary selection, those films were the Indonesian top-10 films in 2006 (according to the FFI comittee, at the very least). Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so to speak. But wait a second, Heart? Lentera Merah? Ekskul? okay, i'm not a big fan of Indonesian cinema, but as a legal Indonesian citizen, it's only appropriate for me to keep a close eye to the struggling film development in Indonesia and i knew, more than knew that Ekskul was a B-film material, at best. With stupid acting, pretentious shoots, obscure theme (blatant adaptation of a school-shooter there in the U.S) which still puzzled me on how those producers decided to easily projected, literarly translated the U.S youth culture into Indonesian?. And, one more thing, if you were suddenly decided to went to local cinema to catch Indonesian cinema, please made sure that the director wasn't Nayato OR Koya Pagayo (they're the same person). Spare your sanity.

Lentera Merah was an 'interesting' selection as well. I had a huge intuition that the comittee or whoever responsible in the selection process had only read two or three pharagraphs of each films before made their selection and not even bothered to watch each films. It's the only logical explanation. Lentera Merah was set on 1967 where there was a major shift in Indonesian government at the time. Now, i believe that the comittee only sees the word '1967' and thought, 'Ah, this must be about the communists and stuff'. In truth, even Hanung Bramantyo was puzzled and said that Lentera Merah was solely made for screaming pleasures of those kids who ditched school on Monday evening. It's a corny, light, horror (wait, horror fans, when i said horror here, it means that i refer to MODERN Indonesian horror - Suzanna was genuinely frightening, but that was like twenty / thirty years ago), and had nothing to do with 1966-1967 whatsoever. Yeah, that must be it. Otherwise, my logical circuit would bust on fire.

Now, where's Realita, Cinta, dan Rock 'n Roll? if i had to chose which Indonesian film i enjoyed the most in 2006, it's Realita, Cinta, dan Rock 'n Roll, the relatively unknown punk-film which wasn't that successful because it doesn't involve any ghosts, or spirit manifestation. If you hadn't watch the film, go see it. I recommend it. Indosiar would aired it, soon.

I would regard FFI as a rubbish even more than i spit on Academy Awards ceremony, if Barry Prima (Realita, Cinta, dand Rock 'n Roll) didn't get nominated as a best-actor (he should win it, by the way).

Check this blog for the official nomination later on.

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Final Fantasy XII US Officially Released

Today, the game machine that has ultimately dominated the world of gaming in these last six years, the machine that has took several thousand of hours from my life into nothingness, that black box, known as PS2, is dead.

Well, not officially though. Some third-party game producers were still going to made several games in the next few months. Some of them probably good enough to receive a rave reviews from EGM or gained a cult status over time, but really, with Nintendo Wii coming in next two weeks, and PS3 not further ahead, it would be a 'smart' move to start thinking ahead and produce games suitable for the next-gen consoles. Duh, it's not that smart actually (notice that single quote), dummy.

Coincidentally (or not), the game that many gamers (including yours truly faithful writer) heralded as the final game that closes the PS2 domination era was this game. Final Fantasy. The same game-serie that i think, responsible to put PS1 on the position where it was in 1996, but also dig the grave and buried PS1 in it. The seventh installment made a considerable leap from the sixth installment previously on SNES and marked the era of PS1. Many (excluding yours truly faithful writer, unfortunately) still considered that sixth and seventh Final Fantasy games were among the very best from the series. However, two installment later, on the ninth, PS1 died. Well, there were still some games released even now, but you get the point. No point in bought the PS1 machine unless you'd give it as a present to your four year old little brother (wait, that's what i did, hehe).

Three installment later, one of them was an online game, plus one (un)necessary sequel, PS2 died.

Final Fantasy XII, was the name of the game. It's Japanese version was released on May 2006, and has been safely on the top of waiting list of many gamers worldwide (including yours truly faithful writer) awaiting its US version coming today (October 31st, and that, dear readers, was further proof that October was indeed my favourite month of the year). I had the Japanese version, of course. Been playing it for several-ten hours, but with my current level of Japanese language proficiency, it would took me much more longer to finish the game than if i played the US version and it has been a public knowledge that Japanese version RPGs were harder than its US version counterpart. And so, with that said, i would check the game store today, and bought the game. And if, in the next few weeks, this blog seems to be abandoned, i've got this game to point my finger to.

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Monday, October 30, 2006


How's your holiday? Had (not) enough time with your families, relatives, and old friends? Good. I had mine. Well, until yesterday, anyway, when i checked my wallet and my bank account to see how much money i had spent during last holiday. And my, i've been robbed. I was a first born child, and a first born grand-child from my mother's side. And there you have it. :D.

Well, anyway, though that it has been a week already, let me say, "Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin" to you all, dear readers. And let me quote you my favourite saying regarding Ramadhan (can't remember the source though, must've been from emails, *shrug*), "Ramadhan was a month prep to face the next eleven months, in hope that what has been achieved in Ramadhan could be held or even better, be improved in the next eleven months". Not an easy task, much harder than hard, if you asked me. But believing in such saying, in my opinion, was a first step. And every great voyage, begins with a single step. Or so they've said.

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Monday, October 16, 2006


Sekali-kali posting pake bahasa ibu... Kemaren iseng jalan ke mall (sendirian), iseng masuk ke toko game, terus keluar dari situ bawa barang ini :)). Sumpah, gak sengaja. Padahal niatannya mau beli HP (HP-ku yg lama, kalo ga full baterenya, ditelpon langsung nge-hang, jadi mohon maaf, kalo akhir2 ini susah dihubungi), HP-nya malah ga kebeli.

Gw bukan anak mall, jadi jarang ke mall, tapi sekalinya ke mall, suka beli barang2 yg.. apa ya?... belum ada immediate useness-nya. Untung aja gw ga suka beli baju.

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Friday, October 13, 2006


I dont care about birthdays. Nothing special about birthday, the sun still rises and sets on its predetermined time, the road was still jammed with traffic and people frowned their eyes, sometimes shouts (that would be me, all the time, though) while hands busily thumping horns or feet constantly reining breaks, the job was still as dull as yesterday, well, nothing changed. Looking back at the time, i had my first and only birthday celebration when i was five. Afterwards, there'd be no special, probably because my parents see that i'm already such a loner who lived in his own world and rarely wishes company and see them (the company, not my parents) as more a hindrance.

Thus, i rarely wished somebody else Happy Birthday, but mind you, not that i forgot about them. I had a good memory on numbers and dates, and that's a fact. Well, i just dont.

But today, i recieved 3 messages wishing me Happy Birthday (excluding my girlfriend, which was of course, the first in line to say, 'blow the candle') two of them came from old friends whose birthdays came before mine and both of which i've missed. Well, i heard somebody shout, 'How could you?' from the back-seat. I know, i know, my mistake. But on my defense, if it's already a habit for me not wishing Happy Birthdays to friends, wouldn't it be hard to change it? Imagine an avid smoker trying to give up smoking. Anyways, my apologies, and my highest appreciation for wasting ten seconds of your precious time to remembered my birthday and type a message.

Honest. Scout's honor.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006


As cliche as it may sounds, allow me to say that i had "so little time, so much to do". I will be 25 this week, already expecting a huge movement that may sent me to that deserted island with nothing to do, nobody to convers with, and no purpose in life or swimming in a pool full of hungry sharks, which at best would eat me alive and sent me to hell, but most likely would only chew some part off my limbs and left me alive with permanent disabilities.

Anyway, in a much happier note, i've been calculating with 5 new movies coming in theater each week, while i still had 250+ titles waiting to be seen and collecting dusts in my cupboard, add that with 100+ books in my collections that waiting to be read, add that with 40+ games in my drawer waiting to be played, add that with 2 new consoles waiting to be purchased, and in turn spawns hundreds, probably thousands games to follow, add that to 1 technology waiting to be mastered, which in turns spawns 10+ new concepts and brand-new innovations also waiting to be learned, add that with 1 foreign-language waiting to be mastered, what you'd get is ... impossibility.

Got to catch-up, fast, something has come up and tugging at my trouser, look at me with those despairing eyes, impossible to ignore, while further behind, there were eyes striking at my back with disgusts and pity. Can't turn back, nobody to ask shelter to anymore, and i can't look to those tears-striked face, anyway. Can't go forward even if i wanted to, can't leave this whose eyes look at me with despairing eyes and tugging at my trouser. Can't leave him.

They say, when you hit "rock bottom", either you'd be devastated, utterly-destroyed, and brought down with you all those who loved you, tainted the history of you forever, that it seems death was the only easy-solution or you'd be bounce-back, fight your way up and be stronger than ever. Which end will be mine, still remains to be seen. Though, history has wrote that there weren't that many who had hit "rock bottom" able to bounce back.

I'm currently plunged to the "rock bottom" right now. Which end shall be mine, i myself, can't tell.


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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Zack Snyder

In 2004, Dawn of the Dead caught me by surprise. I was ready to bashed the film when i set the disc inside the DVD player. Because, 1. It's a horror remade from the cult-classic George A Romero's Dawn of the Dead 2. This film was Zack Snyder's first and 3. The casts. No immediate charismatic star that attract this man's interests were listed in the bills. And so that's that. With a cup of coffee, dim light, and maximum volume, i watch the film.

To my surprise, i liked the film. I would put the film's up to top-half of my 'best-horror-films in the year 2004' and certainly, this film was on no.1 spot of my 'best-horror-films remake'. Mind you, i haven't seen The Hills Have Eyes yet. So, the statement still holds true at the time this post published.

Anyway, his next film, due 9 March 2007, was 300 which based on Frank Miller's graphic novel (see also: Sin City). And the first trailer is up. Go check it out. It's awesome. 300 told about the event of the Battle of Thermophylia where 300 Spartans held-off thousands of Persians in ancient Greek. Okay, that sounds a lot like Gladiator. But, uh, i dont know, check the trailer. The difference is evident. And the trailer has generated enough buzz for me to suredly stand in line coming next March.

This post, anyway, was about Zack. After 300, he was ready for Watchmen. Should the project really off-the-rumor-grounds, it would be yet another comic book adaptation. This time from an Englishman who is not friendly (as apparent with his disapprovals on films based on his works so far) with Hollywood, Alan Moore (see also: V for Vendetta). All geek who knows Alan Moore would surely loved the Watchmen, i'm not claimed my self as geek per se, but i've read Watchmen (of course), and comparing it to V for Vendetta, i prefered the latter. Watchmen was a little bit too phiplosophic for my taste. Though of course, to think about it as less than great pinnacle achievement in comic would be an understatement.

Up next, come Rainbow Six as his announced project. Rainbow Six had a distinction in my book of life as the only (yes, the only) Jack Ryan's story-line by Tom Clancy that i didn't own its paperback. It also spawns several self-titled video game in many platforms.

For a relatively new director, he has made an impressive filmography so far. Euh, and one more thing, he's seldomly used high-profile actors in his films (at least so far).

*PS: This is one lame post, i should ask for forgiveness as i wrote it in relative haste, in order to keep this blog updated.

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Saturday, September 30, 2006


Yay. October coming, and for those of you unawared, October is my favourite month. Not only because it's my birthday coming, but you see, there are certain pattern in Hollywood regarding the release of movies. Everybody knew about Summer block-buster. That's when they put big-budgeted (but not necessarily clever) films on theater. The hype was usually started at May, and ended shortly before September. And after the exhaustive summer-runs, the studios were usually sits back at their offices to count the profits (and losses) they made in the summer, while throwing crap-shitty movies at the teather. Therefore, usually, September is the month of craps for films.

October, on the other hand, was the month when the studios usually prepared themselves for Oscar-runs. We've got a lot of decent dramas in the month, and some decent horror flicks over the years (October 31st, Halloween, anyone?). This runs continued until the Oscar preliminary judgement deadline (usually at December). Here, at my post, is a recap of what would be expected coming this year's October.

The Departed
The DepartedShould i had to choose one great director who never wins an Oscar, Martin Scorces came to mind. I, for one, has established Gangs of New York as one of the first film that prompted me into loving the films more than usual. Goodfellas was arguably one of the best mafia films out there. Taxi Driver was one of the most insightful film that i've ever seen. And so does Raging Bull. In short, he's the one main reason why i dont care about Oscars.

Coming on October 6th, The Departed with Leo, Matt, and Jack. I won't went into details here, but if some of you had watched Infernal Affairs then you know what it's about. Because this was the remake of it. If you haven't, well, shame on you. Go rent it. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Little Children
Also coming on October 6th, but in limited release, Little Children. Little that i know about this film. No pun intended! But hey, Kate Winslet, on a role she choses by herself, in a film with limited release, i'm soooo there. Mark my word, Kate Winslet will be nominated on next year's Academy Awards.

Another limited release. Okay, i admit. I knew nothing about this film but its premise.

Jeliza-Rose is a young girl in a very unusual situation--both of her parents are junkies and she is usually left to her own devices for entertainment. When her mother dies, her father, a rock 'n roll musician well past his prime, takes her to a remote farm in the country. She escapes the vast loneliness of her new home by retreating into a world that exists only in her mind. Here, fireflies have names, bog-men awaken at dusk, and squirrels talk. And the heads of her four dolls--ystique, Baby Blonde, Glitter Gal, and Sateen Lips--long since separated from their bodies, keep her company.
Well, there you go, a fantasy story. I vaguely remembered the relatively unknown MirrorMask by reading its premise. Tideland coming October 13th.

Flags of Our Fathers
Mr.Eastwood's another shot at yet another Oscar next year? Quite probably. I mean, check this film's still images, check this film's premises, check this film's productions trivia, check this film's trailer. You could see that little golden statuettes everywhere. Well, despite the fact that this film will be yet another proof of United States' hegemony in a film about war (be it WWII, Vietnam War, or Middle-East War), i'm there. Told the event of the Battle of Iwo Jima from the American prespective. His next film, scheduled to release in December (CMIIW!) would told the even from the Japanese point of view.

Marie Antoinette
Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking forward for this film. Two reasons: 1. Kirsten Dunst. 2. Sofia Coppola. Some news said, that when this film screened at Cannes Film Festival few months ago, this film receives a standing ovation. But there aren't few critics who despised this film as well. To do it justice though, this film is a very serious contender to win an Oscar for best costume.

The Prestige
Mr.Nolan says, he won't be doing the next film about that big-black-Bat. Not after he finishes this film. If the man who revived Batman thought that it was that good, why would i think otherwise? And Mr.Bale was on board as well. Also featuring Hugh J, and Scarlett J. Furthermore, it sets in 19th century, and it's about magic. Yay.

Further out we've got:

Check that list out. Three horrors on a single month. Only in October you'd get such treatment.

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