Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Google Chrome

By the time I wrote this post (4 p.m local time), Google Chrome is already a day old, an old news considering the breakneck speed in which information was exchanged nowadays. It begins with a comic floating in my mailbox yesterday. The comic depicted the technical concept behind Chrome which naturally makes the techies stuff a lot easier to comprehend. I read the comic and actually excited about it. Imagine my surprise when I arrive at the office this morning, to know that the blogosphere is already fumed with the release of Google Chrome beta. Word is, that the arrival of ultra-secret-project that is Google Browser a.k.a Google Chrome has push the ante of web-browser a notch more. The V8 JavaScript VM was reportedly up to 10-times faster than Firefox or Safari and FIFTY SIX-times faster than IE7 (Source: It is interesting to see how Redmond is going to respond with their IE8 (another "me too"? InPrivate mode? sorry, not interested)

However, as the beta version is only available for Windows (considering that Google aimed to dampen the largest market share first, quite a bold move, if you asked me), I can't get my hands on it just yet and therefore I could only take the news of a blazing fast, clean and minimal design new player in the browser war at the face value. It doesn't make me less excited though.

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