Wednesday, January 02, 2008


It happened almost every year in our local TV stations. The retrospective of the year's past which amusingly, as far as i know mostly consists of likes such as 'Dumbest Celebrity 2007' or 'The Hottest Celebrity Couple in 2007' or 'The Nastiest Break-Ups in 2007' (unanimously featured the bickering in marriage between Maia and Dhani) nowadays. From what i've seen, these celebrity's mishaps retrospective largely outnumbered any other 2007 retrospectives held by our local TV stations by far. These celebrities were virtually no more than exotic beasts behind a cage, fed and maintained by the media for people's general amusements.

Another TV regulars that happened almost every year was the predictions. Made by 'famous' clairvoyants whose names weren't actually heard prior their respective predictions, these people went soared into an instant fame. And our media feed them like a zookeeper. They are after all, still the main attractions come this time of year.

Predictions are silly. Especially if it comes from these 'clairvoyants' who only claimed that they are actually genuine clairvoyant and sanctified by our media. In my opinion, hwoever, these 'clairvoyants' had nothing to lose whatsoever. They could say anything about what would happened in the future, and still they're getting paid, and attained instant fame and almost sure - though false - 'credibilities' that would lure some ignorant fools with penchant about supernatural things and money to spare to actually paid them to talk about things that these ignorant fools had really wanted to hear in the first place. Knowing what was these people had wanted to hear, is actually the art and the true ability of these people, i give them that. But it's all more of phsycological ability rather than supernatural ability. For instance, had i given a chance to act as one of these 'clairvoyant', i would say that our President would be assassinated sometimes in July. Come July, when our President really was assassinated, televisions, newspapers, all of the media would replayed the footage of me making the predictions, and i would be famous and rich. However, if our President was granted a long age, re-elected at the next election, no one would remembered that i ever made such false predictions. Further, there'd still a fair chance that the media would contacted me again to made another predictions next year.

I believe that there exists some kind of supernatural ability in a way or antoher among people. However, i believed that if those who claimed that they possessed these abilities were going public, they had proved themselves that they were pretenders. The true clairvoyant, or ones possessed with supernatural abilities won't reveal themselves. And had they decided to put their abilities for sale, you won't stumbled into their names unless you know how to ask a right people a right question. Their names would be whispered not very much unlike that of a never-fail-assassin for hire.

It's my personal opinion anyway (that these famous paranormals were no more than pretenders). However, i personally known a person who had one of these supernatural abilities. And as far as i know, i was one of the only three persons alive to know about what he's capable of. Thus, i've got a firm justification of my presumption.

At first, i laughed at his face when he refused to see any horror films. Especially Indonesian. It took me a while before i had really learned that he could see something we, human being, normally couldn't. He said to me that he had somekind of a guardian angel who follows him wherever he goes. Pinched him when he misses his pray time, and suddenly appears when he least expected. He told me how he hates what he's capable of and willing to put just about anything in exchange for it. He said that he could sometimes sense when someone is about to die. In some cases, where the death of one his relatives were involved, the death would visit him ephemerally to say goodbye right around the moment when the last breath was drawn even if they were miles apart. Further, he loathes funerals. As sometimes, after attending a funeral, the death (if he deserved it) would visit him in his dream all bloody and crying comfirming to my beliefs that there's indeed a such thing called grave punishment by God through Munkar and Nakir. Therefore, he avoids Indonesian horror films like one avoids a deadly virus. He said that he never really knows the look of his 'guardian angel'. And he was afraid that had he seen Indonesian horror films, he would imagined a face to his 'guardian angel' and thus magnified the being from an ephemeral being, translucent, almost believable as an imaginatory being, a projection of an uneasy mind into a physical being, a more real than a mere imagination, no more a fairy tale, but whose being was perpetual and could be physically felt.

You might think that he was lying, and what he had told me has been his fruit of imagination only. But i don't think so. I may not a perfect judge of a character, but i don't see the benefits of lie in his case. And when i heard him recites his experiences, i'm at a point where i was certain that for the love of God, he doesn't lie.

My point being, there's such thing as supernaturals, i believe it, and i believed that there were actually some humans 'gifted', granted some kind of taste into these supernatural thingies. But, as far as i'm concerned the genuine 'gifted' humans wouldn't want to run about proclaiming what he's capable of or commercialized them. And like the case of my friend, he would simply wanted to be free of such 'gift'.

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