Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Idol Season 7 Grand Final

David Archuletta might won the praise from the jury, and just might be crowned as the American Idol Season 7 winner later tonight. But, in my opinion, it should be easy to see whose record which would dominate the market more. Yes, i'm talking about the other David. Just like Chris Daughtry from Season 5 who easily outshone the winners. David A is a good singer, doubtless, but he lacked that certain edge that made him unique. In other word, to my ears, he is flat out and nothing new. I wouldn't waste my money on his record. No matter how good the reviews are because i've heard him, and i've already heard the similar sound numerous times before.

Okay, R-rated explicit words here. Oh, god, i hated him. Genuinely. I couldn't get my head around his downcast eyes, his head shaking as if he doesn't believe the flowery praises he had received, and why does everybody seems to fall head over heels over "this-sweet-kid", and no, i don't like his singing. Not at all. Well, despite that, i believe that i'm not exaggerating when i say that this season's grand finale is one of the best American Idol Grand Final ever.

Edit: David Cook won by 12 million votes. Ha ha ha. Eat that, Archuletta!

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